Travels with Nicholas Part 1
Date: Saturday, October 2, 2004 11:18:49 -0700 (PDT)
To: Friends & Family
Subject: Travels with Nicholas - Part 1
Hello my friends and family,
As promised I am sending you an e-mail update of my trip cross country to Illinois. I have seen a lot of beautiful sights. Land of alternators, region of isolators, valley of distributors, coils, & wires, and sky blue starbursts. Such a wonderful trip. What am I talking about? Well let's see....charging system failed due to a diode that went out on my alternator, one side of my isolator burned up, battery was replaced (all possibly related). Engine running erratic resulted in a replaced distributor, coil and wires. (Big Al of Al's automotive was my buddy for a couple of days; total cost $1094.38).
Let me continue; rock hit driver's side of windshield resulting in a stunning starburst for a while until it evolved into a wonderful spiderweb slicing down my windshield. Alternator fan-belt snapped causing me to lose all charge forcing me to coast into abandoned gas station - no less. I am having so much fun. Wish you were here.
By the way, did I mention that I am not even out of California yet; and that I am only into the second day into my trip? God help me. That Winnebago Chieftain that I always wanted is sounding pretty good right now.
Well anyway I found this Starbucks in little ole Lake Tahoe (not a bad place to be broke down (and going broke to boot), to sit and send you this update. Preparing to walk to auto parts store to get that pesky fan-belt. Should have it on and be up and running in a couple of hours. Am preparing to mosey across Nevada on Highway 50 dubbed 'America's Loneliest Road'. I am hedging my bets and am assuming that all that can go wrong has gone wrong and that I will be snug as a bug in my GMC rug.......sure....right.
Will let you know how I fare.
Yer bud,
P.S. May the GMC gods have pity on my soul.
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